Improve assessment of individual patient’s responses and toxicity profiles to specific therapies, to radically change the meaning of personalized medicine.
Our cutting-edge genetic research discovered a new class of genetic biomarkers that can dramatically change personalized treatment.
MiraDx partners with universities and pharmaceutical companies to utilize our unique genetic research to help better treat cancer. MiraDx was co-founded by Joanne Weidhaas, M.D., Ph.D. and Frank Slack, Ph.D. whose cutting-edge genetic research discovered this new class of genetic biomarkers.

Joanne Weidhaas, M.D., Ph.D., M.S.M
Joanne is co-founder of MiraDx and Professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and head of translation research, in the Department of Radiation Oncology. Her pioneering research led to the co-discovery of the KRAS-variant, a strong predictor of cancer risk, tumor biology and treatment response. Her passion to empower individuals with meaningful information to help them take charge of their health led her to found MiraKind and MiraDx. Joanne completed her oncology training at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and previously served as the Chief of the Breast Cancer Radiation Service at Yale Cancer Center and the Radiation Section Chief of Breast Cancer at the Yale Cancer Center. While on sabbatical at Yale she completed an MBM at Stanford University. She moved to UCLA as Professor and Division Head, Translational Research in 2014. Her dual role as a clinician and researcher has enabled her to apply genetic breakthroughs to the benefit of her patients. She currently lives in the LA area, with her husband and three children.

Frank Slack, Ph.D.
Frank is a co-founder of MiraDx and currently the Shields Warren Mallinckrodt Professor, Department of Pathology, and Director of the Institute for RNA Medicine, at BIDMC. His pioneering genetic research led to the discovery of “let-7,” one of the first microRNAs discovered, which he was able to show regulated cancer-causing genes. Dr. Slack is an internationally renown researcher and lecturer on microRNAs, one of the fastest-growing and exciting areas of genetic research.

Andrew J. Weidhaas
Board of Directors
A.J. is a partner in and co-chair of Goodwin Procter’s Private Equity Group, as well as a member of its Technology Companies Practice. He specializes in private equity and venture capital investments, including minority and majority investments, leveraged buyouts and leveraged recapitalizations, going private transactions, and private investments in public companies. Mr. Weidhaas’ experience ranges from the representation of early stage growth companies and buyouts in the micro cap space through later stage LBO’s and the representation of Fortune 50 financial institutions in strategic investments, merchant banking activities and private M&A. His industry expertise includes healthcare, defense, technology, real estate, and financial services.

Mary Lake Polan, M.D., Ph.D., MPH
Board of Directors
Dr. Polan is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Columbia University School of Medicine as well as Chair Emeritus of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine. She specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility and has served on numerous medical and health committees including the Council of the Institute of Medicine, the National Institute of Health, The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA).

Roy Vagelos M.D.
Medical Advisory Board
Dr. Vagelos is the Chair of the Columbia University School of Physicians and Surgeons Development Campaign and of the board of directors of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. He is former CEO, Chairman and Senior Vice President for Research of Merck. Dr. Vagelos is also the former chairman of the Department of Biological Chemistry and Director of the University’s Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences at Washington University’s School of Medicine, St Louis, MO. Dr. Vagelos is also the former Senior Surgeon and then Section Head of Comparative Biochemistry at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Dr. Vagelos holds a BS in Chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania and a M.D. from Columbia School of Medicine.

Richard Gatti, MD, Ph.D.
Laboratory Director, Advisor
Dr. Gatti is an emeritas distinguished professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UCLA. He is a world-renowned molecular geneticist and immunologist and a pioneer in transplantation medicine. Dr. Gatti specializes in Ataxia Telangiectasia, Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA), and cell sensitivity to ionizing radiation. He joins MiraDx as laboratory director and head of the AT testing program.

Sara Rosenthal
Advisor, Women’s Health
Sara began her career in the fields of health policy research and healthcare management consulting, with a specific interest in women’s health. After earning her master’s degree in business administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Sara gained deep finance experience working for an urban infill developer, where she helped secure over $75 million in acquisition capital to purchase multifamily buildings. Sara then went on to serve as principal of a Bay Area design build firm focused on green building projects, working alongside the CEO and founder.
Sara transitioned from real estate to work at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, where she developed graduate level entrepreneurship curriculum in partnership with entrepreneurs and faculty. Sara currently works as a Principal at TTCER Partners, an investment firm that serves as a platform to help entrepreneurs build and grow enduring companies. Sara brought her skills and passion for women’s health to MiraKind in early 2014, where she currently advises the founder on women’s health programming.

Jean Reiss
Clinical Laboratory Scientist
Jean Reiss has worked at MiraDx as a CLS since July 2015 and is responsible for assay validation, clinical sample testing, and required quality control procedures.
Prior to MiraDx, Inc. Jean Reiss retired in 2014 after 22 years of services from Molecular Diagnostics Laboratories in the Department of Pathology at UCLA. Her experiences include, but are not limited to Immuno-blotting for protein detection, Real-time PCR for gene expression, DNA Sanger sequencing for mutation detection. She was lab supervisor for tumor marker testing in blood samples using various Enzyme-Immuno Assays. She also participated in Translational Clinical trials for oral cancer detection using gene expression assays.
The techniques in the field of Laboratory medicine have been evolving and improving constantly with the advancement of computer technologies. Jean has a rewarding career as a CLS and envisioned that laboratory personnel will play a critical role in early diagnosis and treatment monitoring to improve human health.