Our first genetic tests to personalize radiation treatment - PROSTOX
PROSTOX helps prostate cancer patients avoid toxicity from radiation therapy.
Our first microRNA-based tests are for prostate cancer patients who are being offered radiation therapy.
PROSTOX analyzes a patient's germline DNA to determine if the individual is at increased risk of late grade ≥2 genitourinary (GU) toxicity after radiation therapy. GU toxicity often includes urinary frequency, urgency, and incontinence.
PROSTOX can report the risk of late GU radiation toxicity from stereotactic body (SBRT) or conventionally fractionated (CFRT) radiation therapy, based on a patient's mirSNP signature. The assays provide a high or low risk score that may be useful in choosing the safest course of treatment, to avoid toxicity.
- Non-invasive, saliva sample collected with a swab
- Convenient, patient can self-swab
- Fast, 5-day turnaround once a sample is received in the laboratory
- Easy to order and view results in our secure provider portal
Learn more about PROSTOX:
For Patients
Prostate cancer patients can learn more about PROSTOX at MiraKind.
Begin PROSTOX Testing
Would you like to join our clinics in using the PROSTOX test? Please contact us at prostox@miradx.com.
Publications: Genetic Tests of Toxicity and Prostate Cancer
- Kishan AU, et al. Long-term outcomes of stereotactic body radiotherapy for low-risk and intermediate-risk prostate cancer. JAMA Network Open 2019;2:e188006.
- Weidhaas, JB, et al. MicroRNA-based biomarkers of the radiation response in prostate cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38, no. 6_suppl (February 20, 2020) 163-163. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2020.38.6_suppl.163.
- Kishan AU, et al. Germline variants disrupting microRNAs predict long-term genitourinary toxicity after prostate cancer radiation. Journal for Radiotherapy and Oncology 2022;167:226-232. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2021.12.040.
- AU. Kishan et al. Application of a genetic signature of late GU toxicity in SCIMITAR, a Post-op SBRT trial. Clin Transl Radia Oncol. 2023 Mar; 39: 100594.